🐾The Kids🐾

Put all the paws together and wag all the tails for our PETS of the Week! Axel, Gemma, and Mia are affectionately known amongst our team as "The Kids" because to us they are three of the sweetest babies we've had the pleasure of taking care of. Axel and Gemma are American Bullies and Mia is a Staffordshire Terrier. Together these three are simply the best crew - full of energy, personality, and big big heart.

Let's start with Axel, the big boy of the house. Axel is a gentle fellow who loves to chill. When he's ready for a break from his sisters' antics, he'll flop down on the living room carpet in a signature 'splat' move. Axel is very affectionate, gives lots of kisses, and is always down for a grain-free treat. Axel has a heart of gold and a calm energy that makes spending time with him wonderful.

Gemma is younger and smaller than Axel and is a bit of a wild woman! She has tons of wiggly-butt energy and loves to wrestle. Gemma is always so excited to see us when we visit and gives us the biggest smiles. She likes to be a part of the group and often nudges Axel and Mia to play with her. We just love Gemma's bright, joyful energy!

Mia was a bit nervous when we first met her but she warmed up to us quickly and is basically the biggest lovebug that ever existed. She's the kind of doggo that will sit on your lap, lean into your legs, and make you feel like the most important person in the world. She is very affectionate, loves being pet, and always comes with called. We adore Miss Mia.

It's not difficult to love this crew. They're each so special and have so much love to give. We have a really tough time leaving at the end of our visits and wish we could hang out with The Kids all day long. Love ya, Axel, Gemma, and Mia!



