🐾Duchess & Salem🐾

Put your paws together for our Pets of the Week, Duchess and Salem! These two cuties could not be more different, but they make the purrfect pair. They also live with a very sweet mini Bernedoodle pup named River. All together it’s cuteness overload in their household!

Duchess has the most beautiful grey coat and green eyes. She’s the head of the welcoming committee and always come out right away to say hello! She is a very affectionate cat and will give you a head-nudge to let you know she’s happy you’re there. Duchess loves to play with toys and, although she’s not supposed to (lol), she loves to hop up on the kitchen counter to try to solicit more pets!

Salem is a handsome black cat with a little white tuft on his chest. He’s not super into affection, but always comes out to say hello when we visit. He’s a good helper and keeps us company while we take care of his food, water, and litter. He does LOVE to spend time out on the porch and never wanders away, opting to survey the backyard and then come back inside.

We love visiting these two kitty cats! They are a very sweet pair and their individual personalities make them even more special. Love ya, Duchess and Salem!



