
Put your paws together for our Pet of the Week, Dwayne! This lovable guy is a 90 lb collie-mix with the sweetest personality. There are many things to love about Dwayne, one of which being his hilarious tongue that tends to rest out of the side of his mouth frequently. It is just so adorable and adds to how special he is!

Dwayne's a gentle giant with a love of walks and chasing his ball! We stay with this wonderful dude when his family is traveling. Like many doggies, Dwayne needs medication at dedicated hours and benefits from our regular overnight visits with a walk in the middle of the day. Also, like many doggies, Dwayne is not a fan of fireworks or thunder. We are honored to take care of him when these things happen and try our best to calm him and reassure him of his safety. His family has done an excellent job at keeping us updated on Dwayne's needs and how to take care of him, making our job all the easier.

Each pet we care for is unique and wonderful and we love celebrating them for exactly who they are. Our team thinks the world of Dwayne and we feel so fortunate that we get to spend time with him! Love ya, big guy!



