🐾Mellow and Cookie🐾

Put your paws together to celebrate our Pet of the Week, Mellow and Cookie! These two fluffballs are a mix between a Persian breed and a Scottish breed and we think they are such beautiful kitties! Cookie is very friendly and always wants lots of attention, whereas Mellow is slightly grumpier, in a silly way, and likes to keep his distance ;) We love them both equally though and they are a joy to take care of! Continue scrolling to learn more about these cute siblings

Mellow and Cookie's family schedule visits with us when they go on vacations, and they typically pick our 30 Minute Home Visit for their kitties. Whenever we come in, Cookie is right there, ready to happily greet Us at the door. Mellow on the other hand couldn't be bothered as he is usually laying in his favorite box. We don't blame him., because he looks incredibly comfy! ;) After we give Cookie some pets, we start to prepare their meals. Each kitty gets a spoonful of wet food, and we also refill their dry food. They get fresh water in their fancy white bowl, and we sometimes clean up around their food station too. Mellow always ends up getting out of his box when we put his wet food down. He just can't resist the yummy smell!

While they are enjoying their feast, we head into a different room to clean out their litter boxes. Cats always appreciate a nice, clean litter box! Once we're finished with that, we spend the rest of our visit hanging out with these two cuties. Cookie loves to chase her wand toys and she'll also play in her tunnels too. Mellow will watch us or go sit in a window of his choice to look out into the great outdoors. Sometimes we'll give them a few treats too. These two are such a cute and splendid pair that we thoroughly enjoy taking care of! They're just so fluffy and sweet and we can't wait to see them again soon!



