🐾 PG 🐾

<Image: PG, a handsome long-haired, orange cat looks out from beneath an iron table. Plant leaves dangle down. Text reads PG Pet of the Week>

<Image: PG, a handsome long-haired, orange cat looks out from beneath an iron table. Plant leaves dangle down. Text reads PG Pet of the Week>


Let's hear it for our meow-velous Pet of the Week, PG! This purrfect 8 1/2 year-old tabby has a lovely orange, long-haired coat and lives with her cat sis, Solitaire. Fun fact - both kitties are named after Bond girls!

PG is a fascinating cat! She loves to lounge and snooze, but her cat sitter, Abby, reports that she’s also big on a good old-fashioned sneak attack. PG can be found peeking around corners at Solitaire and waiting patiently for the right moment to chase her cat sis around.

PG is absolutely beautiful and always obliges when Abby takes photos to send to PG’s cat-mom through the Time to Pet app that we use at Captain Flosse. PG isn’t super into being pet, and that’s a-okay! We are cat people and totally love that each cat has their own funky personality! We are into it! And we always like to make sure that we respond to the unique needs and personalities of the animals we care for.

Much love to PG! She’s quite a cat and we’re lucky that she’s our pal!

&lt;Image: PG a long-haired orange tabby looks over her shoulder at the camera. Her tale is long and fluffy&gt;

<Image: PG a long-haired orange tabby looks over her shoulder at the camera. Her tale is long and fluffy>


🐾 Herbert 🐾


🐾 Scooby 🐾