🐾Lily & Scarlet🐾

Put your paws together two times for our Pets of the Week, Lily and Scarlet! Lily and Scarlet are Chihuahua mixes - Lily's the golden cutie and she's about seven years old. Scarlet is brown and white and has four years of adorable-ness (is that a word?) under her leash. We walk these two little ladies a few times a week in the afternoon and love every moment with them! Lily's nickname is Moo Moo (because she sometimes tries to eat grass). Lily loves to be held and cuddled. Scarlet (AKA Boogie or Boo Boo) loves toys, is game to wear a sweater when its chilly and likes to be in the same room as her human caretaker. They both have fun personalities!

We recently got to watch these two love-bugs for a whole month while their mom was away. We offer overnight stays when pet parents are traveling and our amazing team worked together to cover a month of overnights for Lily and Scarlet. Our team also visited twice daily to make sure the girls got out and about and received extra love and attention during the daytime.

When we first met Lily and Scarlet they were both a bit shy, Scarlet moreso than Lily. But during their month of care, they got super comfortable with our team and snuggled in each evening happily. We know Lily and Scarlet were happy to see their mom again when she returned,but we miss them already. Thankfully we still get to see them each week for walks. Whew!

These two lovely little dogs are just so special and taking care of them is a treat!

If you've got a trip coming up, reach out to see how we can help. We're happy to offer overnight visits for a day or two, a week or more, and even a whole month.



