
Put your paws together for our Pet of the Week, Butkus! Handsome boy Butkus is a Bulldog mix and just turned eight years old. This guy might be one of the chillest dogs we've ever met!

The many faces of Butkus

Our buddy Butkus knows what he likes - naps, walks, grub! When we stop in for a 30-minute visit, he's usually napping on his favorite living room chair. After a bit of coaxing (hey - he's comfy!), he's ready to go our for a jaunt around his neighborhood. He loves to walk, explore, and sniff all the things. Back at home, he gets treats, dinner, and some pets from us. Then it's back to snuggling in for some rest time.

Honestly, Butkus is just the best. He's a great dude and we love any chance we get to hang out with him. Love ya, bud!

A smile from Butkus!

Planning a trip and need someone to stop in to check on your independent doggo? We're here for that! Say hi today.



