
Let's hear it for Pet of the Week, Schnitzel! Little Schnitzel is an older Dachshund and just about the sweetest doggo you'll ever meet!

Team member Suzi has become fast friends with Schnitzel and visits for 15-20 minute mid-day check-ins a few times a week. Schnitzel loves to go out and sniff around her back yard. She ADORES tummy rubs and snuggling on the couch too!

Tummy rub time!

Schnitzel is a small gal but takes up a big space in our hearts. She's truly a joy to take care of and excellent company. Snuggling with her is like spending a few minutes with an old friend. Love ya, Schnitzel!

If your pup needs a quick visit while you're at work, reach out and say hello!



