๐Ÿพ Hershey ๐Ÿพ


Put your paws together for our Pet of the Week, Hershey! Hershey is just a sweet as his name suggests. He's an English Cocker Spaniel with be-a-u-tiful flowy black and tan coat. Hershey lives with another English Cocker Spaniel, Roxie, and a blue-eyed cat named Annie.

Hershey LOVES to go for walks and run around his backyard with Roxie. He adores attention and gets super excited when we visit (which makes us feel like a million bucks!) And let's not forget that tongue! ๐Ÿ˜œ Hanging with Hershey is a real treat!


๐Ÿพ Tweak ๐Ÿพ


๐Ÿพ Muffie ๐Ÿพ