๐Ÿพ Muffie ๐Ÿพ


Say meow to our #petoftheweek, Muffie! ๐Ÿ˜บ Muffie is a little over 14 years old and is a beautiful small calico kitty. She lives in a happy home with four other cats and three dogs. Even though she's a little older than her cat friends, she always joins in the fun - showing up for treat time or making an appearance as soon as we arrive.

Muffie is small, but she purrs big! Her cat sitter Maria said that you can hear her purring from the other room. Muffie is also an indoor/outdoor cat who stays close to home and sometimes likes to eat her food on the back porch. Muffie is a truly lovable cat and we think she is purrfect. Let's show lil Muffie some love.


๐Ÿพ Hershey ๐Ÿพ