🐾Mia and Maya🐾

Put your paws together to celebrate our Pet of the Week, Mia and Maya! These sisters are as close as close can be and we adore these sweet girls. They have the cutest faces, and they always have grins on their faces when we come in to greet them. They're just so pure and we're so glad we met them! Continue reading to learn more about these cuties

We get the pleasure of seeing Mia and Maya when their dad goes to work during the week. He usually schedules 30 Minute Home Visits and that is a perfect amount of time to spend with them! Their main caretakers are Lucia, Suzi, Brittany and Emily and they immediately fell in love with them. When we come in the basement, we can already hear their tippy taps upstairs and they are always right by the door to greet us. They are always so excited to see us, and we are excited to see them too! They have a cute double leash that attaches to both collars are walks. After we get them leashed up, we head outside for a walk. They love sniffing and exploring around the neighborhood, and they walk so well next to each other

After we get back from the walk, we enjoy hanging out with them inside. They enjoy getting lots of love and attention. Our favorite thing they do is stand up on two legs and give us hugs. It is the sweetest thing and they both take turns doing it. We love it and look forward to it every time! Before we leave, we'll give them some goodbye pets and give them fresh water. We can't wait to see these babes again soon!



